Saturday, June 14, 2008

Doing Nothing

Wow, this week has been hard! Not only do I have two sons who are angry and at times spew venom but now I have another relative who is yelling obscenities. This behavior is definitely throwing me off center. I realize that I am fearful but I don't know of what.

There is a river that I love that runs through the town I live in. I love to walk on it with my dogs or ride my bike alongside it on the path or just sit next to it. I love to watch how it swells in the spring and tapers off as the seasons progress. It has such energy and life. If I stop and think too much about how I love it then somehow I lose the enjoyment. It's like I'm holding on too tight. It is it's ever changing spirit that I love. To capture it would be to lose it.

Perhaps I can look at my personal life the same way. I need to let it flow and let crazy behavior be crazy and let it flow past me. I don't always have to act on crazy behavior. Sometimes the best defense is no defense. A great strategy is to do nothing.

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